I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...
Part I- The movie-
If you read my yesterday's post, you'd have noticed how late my day ended. The Bourne Ultimatum is an absolute thriller! Like I said, I reserved it, knowing that a day would come that I can finally enjoy and appreciate the movie better.

Part II- A Season of Giving-
Baked 3 batches of Banana Croissant, a recipe that I adopted and introduced to my friends here in Kursk. I first saw it on a show of BBC Prime, then thought- hrm... what would happen I baked it with Banana instead, and voila! The recipe of Banana Croissant came to be.

Distributed them to close friends of mine, including Lynn Wei and Johnny. I bought 16 Christmas cards too, from my friends for the charity drive. And there were some pretty mind-blowing designs. Like these ones:

Part III- The Great Mouse Hunt
As reported yesterday, the sanctity of the vicinity that came to be known as Eddy and Teo's room was breached by a mouse. 2 days ago Eddy spotted the measly critter crawling about near the central heating grills in his room. That subsequent night both of them coudln't sleep, hearing the little one biting incessantly, as if teasing them, at papers and plastic bags.
Yesterday during our Christmas shopping we bought some glue which we hoped would trap the mouse, but alas, the cunning one eluded capture! Here you can see Teo placing a trap, some biscuits in a container, surrounded by glue!

During dinner, Choc Ky heard some rustling in the cupboard, which prompted us to do another thorough searching of cupboard area.

Teo has a phobia for rats, and jumped atop his chair before anything else.

But it was an unsuccesful search and eliminate operation. We detected a hole here which he/she might have escaped to, and what seems like rat dung in this area.

Part IV- The Christmas Dinner
After last night's impromptu dinner, I thought perhaps I should make it light tonight (yes- even on Christmas day!). For those who do not know me, my weight fluctuates like a yo-yo. It sometimes take me 2 weeks to gain about 5kg. There was once when I gained 8kg during my summer break, which I all but lost in the subsequent 6 months, only to regain them ALL BACK during the Christmas-new year season, then to lose them off once again.
The only good thing about this is I can look at pictures of myself throughout the year and have a good laugh about it.
Right as I was about to warm up last night's leftovers, Boon Juan appeared! In the season of sharing I asked if he wanted any part of last night's leftovers, some coleslaw and mashed potatoe, somehow from there we decided to have dinner together, and he fried some fish to boot. Ahh... A wonderfully simple yet delightful Christmas meal.

Merry Christmas to all of you!
If you read my yesterday's post, you'd have noticed how late my day ended. The Bourne Ultimatum is an absolute thriller! Like I said, I reserved it, knowing that a day would come that I can finally enjoy and appreciate the movie better.

Part II- A Season of Giving-
Baked 3 batches of Banana Croissant, a recipe that I adopted and introduced to my friends here in Kursk. I first saw it on a show of BBC Prime, then thought- hrm... what would happen I baked it with Banana instead, and voila! The recipe of Banana Croissant came to be.

Distributed them to close friends of mine, including Lynn Wei and Johnny. I bought 16 Christmas cards too, from my friends for the charity drive. And there were some pretty mind-blowing designs. Like these ones:

Part III- The Great Mouse Hunt
As reported yesterday, the sanctity of the vicinity that came to be known as Eddy and Teo's room was breached by a mouse. 2 days ago Eddy spotted the measly critter crawling about near the central heating grills in his room. That subsequent night both of them coudln't sleep, hearing the little one biting incessantly, as if teasing them, at papers and plastic bags.
Yesterday during our Christmas shopping we bought some glue which we hoped would trap the mouse, but alas, the cunning one eluded capture! Here you can see Teo placing a trap, some biscuits in a container, surrounded by glue!

During dinner, Choc Ky heard some rustling in the cupboard, which prompted us to do another thorough searching of cupboard area.

Teo has a phobia for rats, and jumped atop his chair before anything else.

But it was an unsuccesful search and eliminate operation. We detected a hole here which he/she might have escaped to, and what seems like rat dung in this area.

Part IV- The Christmas Dinner
After last night's impromptu dinner, I thought perhaps I should make it light tonight (yes- even on Christmas day!). For those who do not know me, my weight fluctuates like a yo-yo. It sometimes take me 2 weeks to gain about 5kg. There was once when I gained 8kg during my summer break, which I all but lost in the subsequent 6 months, only to regain them ALL BACK during the Christmas-new year season, then to lose them off once again.
The only good thing about this is I can look at pictures of myself throughout the year and have a good laugh about it.
Right as I was about to warm up last night's leftovers, Boon Juan appeared! In the season of sharing I asked if he wanted any part of last night's leftovers, some coleslaw and mashed potatoe, somehow from there we decided to have dinner together, and he fried some fish to boot. Ahh... A wonderfully simple yet delightful Christmas meal.

Merry Christmas to all of you!
thank u kelvin for the beautiful card and the banana croissant! very very delicious! can make for cell next time! ekekekek
Davin: Merry CHristmas to you too Davin! Definitely Christmas is much more special when you spend it with your family! Sigh... But Thank God that I have my friends here!
Lynn Wei: You're welcomed! Thanks for your gingerbread people too! I liked it a lot.